'cream 02' - Kathryn Haug
Artist Statement
In my painting I am most interested in the materiality of paint, and how I can use that substance to make a representation of something from life. I enjoy the challenge of carefully observing something, and then trying to depict it accurately using a reduced number of marks. This abbreviation of detail can be thought of as 'economic', as a number of things can be described with only a few marks and colours. Economic mark making also leads to futher emphasis on the materiality of the paint, as when there are fewer marks each mark becomes more noticeable, and so does the material from which it is made.
My subject matter is selected mainly for its potential to be made with paint, but also for its familiarity. Objects selected from around the home that are familiar from daily use, as well as objects, figures and landscapes that are familiar as part of my memory provide a basis upon which I can investigate my fascination with paint, mark, form and colour.
Kathryn Haug November 2009

Represented Artists
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