'Holes in the wind' - Rose Moxham

9-September-2023 - 30-September-2023

Rose Moxham's work is based in nature, specifically the mangrove, living where she does on Moreton Bay, Queensland with the mudflat at her door.

'My work is based in nature, specifically the mangroves of Moreton Bay. It's a huge subject, my only subject, although the content changes. This series Holes in the wind, is a progression, a propulsion and a paring back – nature floating in space. The wind pushes around, impels, pushes back, blows things into some version of what it was before. And the holes in that wind can provide space, respite, or fragmentation. Though I pour myself into the works, I can never say exactly what they are about. That is left open for the viewer.

With this in mind I have begun as I often do, with a large painting, loose, relatively colourful. This gives me scope to investigate not only the physicality and emotional content of the subject, but also that of the materials I use. From that initial painting come the other works. The shapes are abstracted, reductive, and the focus is on rhythm and the relationships between limited colour, surface and form shape. The work is built by repetition, laying down the paint, undoing it, leaving evidence of the hand, until the core content distils and is revealed.'

Exhibition works online from Sat 9 September.

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'Holes in the wind' - Rose Moxham

Represented Artists

Rose Moxham (QLD)


ROSE MOXHAM - Mangroves, they talk in code (triptych) ROSE MOXHAM - Mangroves, they talk in code (triptych) sold

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