Materialise - Kathryn Haug

1-February-2025 - 22-February-2025

Materialise showcases a cross section of Kathryn Haug's paintings from 2009 to 2025, including still life, landscape, and figures. Kathryn's work explores the materiality of paint and the alla prima technique, balancing representation with abstraction through dynamic mark-making.

Alla Prima translates to 'at first attempt' and refers to a painting technique whereby the whole painting is completed while still wet, rather than working gradually in layers. This means the work is completed within a day or two and is relatively fast paced and spontaneous compared to other techniques. This brings a freshness and clarity to the marks used, and allows the material qualities of the paint to be seen without interruption from layers on top or underneath.
Haug's painting employs concise and textural marks, omitting small details while allowing the paint to clot, drip or pile up. This approach disrupts illusion and draws attention to the material qualities of the paint.
Still life, landscapes and figures act as a framework around which the work explores mark making, materiality and the Alla Prima technique. Haug chooses subject matter with a familiarity or subtle personal symbolism such as household items, rural landscapes and imagery taken from family photos. 
Haug's work plays with a balance between control and letting go: careful observation alongside allowing the paint to have its own way. This produces both representative and abstract elements within the paintings. Up close you may experience the textural qualities of paint, expressive brush marks and colour interactions; from a distance you will see a landscape, a figure or a familiar object.


Materialise - Kathryn Haug

Represented Artists

Kathryn Haug


KATHRYN HAUG - Hot Point Mixer KATHRYN HAUG - Hot Point Mixer
KATHRYN HAUG - View From the Top of the Bridge KATHRYN HAUG - View From the Top of the Bridge
KATHRYN HAUG - Fencelines (late afternoon) KATHRYN HAUG - Fencelines (late afternoon)
KATHRYN HAUG - Two Piles of Bricks (overcast afternoon) KATHRYN HAUG - Two Piles of Bricks (overcast afternoon)
KATHRYN HAUG - Lamp with Orange Paint KATHRYN HAUG - Lamp with Orange Paint
KATHRYN HAUG - Blackened Landscape KATHRYN HAUG - Blackened Landscape
Kathryn Haug - Metamorphic Landscape Kathryn Haug - Metamorphic Landscape
KATHRYN HAUG - Pumpkin and Butter KATHRYN HAUG - Pumpkin and Butter
KATHRYN HAUG - Tomato and Empty Jar KATHRYN HAUG - Tomato and Empty Jar
KATHRYN HAUG - Cut Watermelon KATHRYN HAUG - Cut Watermelon

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